- Family: Bignoniaceae
- English name: Indian trumpet tree (Indian trumpet tree)
- Sanskrit-shionak, nut, katvang, tuntuk, shuknas, kutnut, ellipsoid, aralu, prithushimb, katambhar, raksha, bhaluk, tanturak;
- Hindi-Sonapatha, Shonak, Sonpatta, Tentu;
- Urdu-Aralu (Aralu);
- Oriya-Pamponia, Fapni;
- Assamese-Kering;
- Konkani-Dovondik;
- Kannada-Alangi, Tattuna, Tigadu;
- Gujarati-Podval (Tetval), Tetu (Tetu);
- Tamil-good (Achi), Pan (Pana), Vangam (Vangam);
- Telugu-Pumpini, Dundilamu, Pampena;
- Bengali-Nasona, Sonapati, Shona, Sonagach;
- Nepali-Karamkandu, Totilla, Totola;
- Punjabi-Tatmorang, Mulin, Tatpalang;
- Marathi-Taitu, Tetu, Tetu, Uitu, Tayitu;
- Malayalam-Palakapayani, Payyalanta.
- English-Midnight horror, Indian trumpet flower, Tree of damocles; Arabic-Kulb.
Shionak trees are found everywhere in India. Its root bark is used in Brihat Panchmool. Its trees are 7-12 m tall, but if the conditions are favorable and suitable, trees like Bakayan are also seen. In some regions, Ailanthus excelsa (mare) is used in place of Shionak, but in fact mace is a plant of another species. It is found in the deciduous wet forests of southern India, sedentary forests and arid parts of the western regions. On the Himalayas it is found at altitudes of up to 900 m. The outer part of its flower is of purple-blood to purple color and the inner part is light, lather, pink or yellow. Its fruits are large, flat, woody, curved and pointed on both sides, sword-shaped, up to 8 mm broad and the seeds are numerous, flat, thin, 6 cm long and wide.
Ayurvedic virtues, deeds and effects
Shionak being hot is phlegm and gout. Its bark is inflammatory, ulcerative and vedanahar. It is lamp, digestion, digestion, receptacle and vermin due to the salinity and heat in the juice. Apart from this, it is useful for removing inflammation, diuretics, taking out phlegm, eliminating fever and bitter nutritious. It is especially used in Kapha and Vata or common disorders. It is beneficial in general weakness especially due to stomach upset.
- The fruits of Shionak are kafnisarak, fever, hyperactivity, inflammatory and digestive.
- Its condensate is diuretic, aphrodisiac, forceful, vatanulomac and anticonvulsant.
- Its origin is the enhancer, transgenic and columnar.
- Its seeds are desiccant.
Medicinal Uses
Cook the bark of Karnashul-Shionak finely with water and add oil and oil twice as fast, cook it on a low flame, when oil is left only, then filter it and keep it in a vial. Dripping 2-3 drops of this oil in the ear helps in extinguishing the ears.
Mixing fats, ghee and beeswax in powder of fennel, fennel, cinnamon, bala root, sonapatha bark, castor, vine root and pudding is beneficial in catarrh.
Mouth blisters - Make a boil of shionak original bark and gargle with mouth, it cures mouth blisters.
Breathing: Licking 1-2 grams of shionyak bark powder with ginger juice and honey provides relief in breathing.
Feeding 2 grams of gum powder of Shionak with some milk provides relief in cough.
Soak 20-30 grams bark of Mandagni-Shionak in 200 ml of warm water for four hours, then filter it and drink it, and drink it twice a day, it reduces the retardation.
Diarrhea: Drinking 2 teaspoons of the bark of Shionak and the bark of Kutj is beneficial in diarrhea.
Putting a spoon of both the bark of Shionak root and the leaves of Indrajou by mixing it with sprain juice and licking 1 spoon of it is beneficial in diarrhea and diarrhea.
Finely grind the bark and leaves of Shionak, make a tablet, wrap large leaves on it, clump it and put it in the fire, when the soil becomes ripe then remove it and after cooling it remove the juice. Drinking 10 ml of this juice twice a day provides relief in chronic diarrhea.
Feeding 2-5 grams powder of gum of Shionak with milk provides relief in diarrhea.
(Shionak Putpak) Sonapatha bark kalk wrapped in Gambhari letters, cooked with putpak-method, after extracting the juice and after mixing the honey with 5 milliliters of honey, drinking it reduces the diarrhea.
Drinking 10-30 ml by making the decoction of shionak root skin is beneficial in diarrhea and circulation.
Piles-Shionak bark, Chitrak root, Indrajou, Karanj bark, Make, Grind the same quantity of all these drugs and grind them to make fine powder, this powder in the quantity of one and a half to three grams buttermilk thrice a day Taking with it is beneficial in piles.
Drinking 10-30 milliliters after making the decoction of Shionak's letters reduces the spleen disorders.
For those who have severe pain for four-six days in obstetric debility-delivery, make three tablets by mixing 500 to 650 mg powder of the bark of Shionak with equal quantity of pure powder and jaggery in equal quantity. By taking these tablets in the morning and evening with the Dashamool decoction, all the pains are miraculously removed. All the suffering due to continuous giving for 10-15 days