Fashion Magazine

Shimmer Brick

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
shimmer brickshimmer brickshimmer brick
17 Instant Glow Shimmer Brick in Pink BronzeI've had my eye on the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick for months and months, but could never justify spending £32 on what is essentially a highlighting powder. Luckily, I spied this much more purse friendly version from 17 at Boots and quickly snapped it up! It comes in two shades; Pink Bronze and Gold Bronze and costs £4.99. I chose the Pink Bronze as it is closest  in color to the Pink Quartz Bobbi Brown original, and prefer a pinky blusher type shimmer in the winter months to bronze or gold. I've used this Shimmer Brick over the top of blusher (MAC Pink Swoon) and on my cheekbones as a highlighter, and it creates a really nice subtle shimmer. On the brush it looks really glittery and a bit OTT, but it transfers to the face really well - subtle but with a nice shimmer which catches in the light. I've also used it on my eyes in various ways, which again gives a nice shimmer and color. I must admit it doesn't seem to last very long; when worn on cheekbones, within a few hours it has all but disappeared. Sigh. But, if you top up your make-up throughout the day, this means you aren't left in a big shimmery mess!I would recommend this if you've had your eye on the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick; at under a sixth of the price it is a bargain and can be used in a number of ways with great effect. Have you tried the 17 Shimmer Brick?

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