Shilpa Shetty Kundra's beauty and the way she carry herself have often been described as iconic. This bollywood diva inaugrated the boutique and gave Delhi a new jewel shopping destination. S2R Jewels & Jewellery has showcased their designer jewels collection at launch.
Shilpa Shetty Kundra- a symbol of beauty and elegance, launched S2R new boutique store, along with Mr. Siddharth & Rahul Garg - Chairman & Managing Director, S2R Jewels & Jewellery, a brand that stands for finest design in market.
Siddharth Garg, CMD, S2R Jewels & Jewellery says "our jewellery epitomizes elegance and sophistication. Its intricate detailing creates bespoke designs that are meant to stand out. This is a perfect blend of classic, majestic designs with a modern soul and it's meant to represent a complete woman." This range is not just tasteful, intricate and subtle but versatile as well. Our design symbolizes excellence and sublimity that would appeal to and resonate with the modern Indian woman in a way no other collection does.
From rings that could be the promise of a lifetime to brilliantly crafted neckpieces to eardrops that are the expression of poise, S2R Jewels & Jewellery is creating new horizons for jewellery and art.
Rahul Garg, CMD, S2R Jewels & Jewellery adds "This is going to be the ultimate high end shopping experience. We are spreading our wings as a brand and we are really excited"
Here some of the most designer pieces from S2R Jewels
Do share your favorite design from the S2Rcollection