As I've said in previous reviews; I haven't widely read a great deal of poetry. Nor do I have the lived experience of a trans person. However, reading this collection of poetry by Gwen Benaway I felt drawn into her world and stories, and I felt like I could understand a little bit better. The stories that are told within these poems are powerful and raw, and I felt like I was being taken on a journey with the author. Gwen is able to take her readers along for a ride, as she narrates her experiences as being both trans and Anishinaabe in these poems. The poems are at times grappling with difficult subject matters, but we are also left with the feeling of how difficult it must have been to live through these experiences from Gwen's perspective.
There is an honesty within these poems that immediately draws in the reader, and while this is a relatively short book I found myself reading these quite quickly. Her discussions of the complexities that can arise when dating in a transphobic world; as well as what it is like to navigate the health care systems while being Indigenous gave me some more insight and understanding. I say 'gave' intentionally, because her writing is so illuminating and full of her own personal experiences and trauma that it is a gift to the reader.
This entry was posted in Lesbrary Reviews and tagged Anishinaabe, Award-Winning, Governor General's Award, Gwen Benaway, indigenous, Métis, poetry, Sheila Laroque, trans by danikaellis. Bookmark the permalink.