Sheene Mill Wedding Photography
Ahhhh Ben & Alex’s wedding at Sheene Mill was absolutely fantastic! When you are organizing an outside ceremony – you are always doing an extra ‘no rain’ dance but Alex & Ben got perfect weather in spades. Their ceremony was held in the gazebo just next to the gorgeous lake that sits at the back of Sheene Mill. The gents were surrounded with heaps of friends and family including Alex’s gigantic Spanish family who came to England specially for their big day. During the couple’s shoot, Alex was seriously impressive with his gymnastic moves. I must have asked him to do 1000000 cartwheels. Don’t tell Alex but the last two were after I got the shot I wanted – they were just for fun.
As a side note – anyone who knows me knows how much a love a nice suit and I have to say that Ben & Alex should win some kind of awesome suit award. Hand stitching! That is all I have to say about that.
Congratulations Ben & Alex!