What I learned is that there are genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2 (breast cancer 1 and 2) that are part of a class of genes that are considered tumor suppressors. These genes help to prevent uncontrolled cell growth. Sometimes these genes could have a mutation and these mutations have been linked to the development of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. They are identified as being the cause of a proportion of the inherited cases of cancer. The inherited gene only accounts for 5-10% of all breast and ovarian cancer. So, contrary to popular belief, the majority of cancer cases are not hereditary.

In September I went back to the genetics department to find out the results of the testing. I found out that I did NOT have a mutation in my BRCA 1 or BRCA2 genes. Great news! Okay on one had it was great news because I did not have to worry about being the one to pass this on to my children. However, it would have explained the “why me?” question somewhat. Top priority is my kids so I could not have asked for a better result.

My Sisters-In-Law - Easter 2015
I was told that there is still a possibility that I could carry a mutation in these genes that the current testing is not able to identify. Or I could carry a mutation in another gene that is yet undiscovered but that has a role in the development of cancer. Also I was told that the breast cancer I had could be simply random and not genetically related (no pun intended) at all. Some cancers are familial rather than hereditary. This means that perhaps an entire family could develop cancer simply by virtue of their place of residence and proximity to one another. Maybe there was something in the soil where their home was built that caused it. Who knows? Most cancer is caused by a combination of factors which could be environmental or any number of other influences that we are exposed to in our lifetimes. I was warned that there is still an increased risk of breast cancer for Tasza and that screening will always be important including monthly self-exams, clinical breast exams and mammograms. These should start at 10 years before the earliest diagnosis in the family but not usually before 30 is the recommendation. Obviously as time goes on and technology advances, this will be adapted.Just before the session was over I was asked about participating in a research study. My reaction was of course! Why not? Anything to help future generations and anything to work towards a world with no breast cancer. No cancer at all. After all, I had this for a reason and if that reason is to help others then for sure sign me up! I left the appointment with a spring in my step and a smile on my face.
She Blinded Me With Science - Thomas Dolby