I've been a fan of Shakespears Sister since I was about 8 years old, I'm now 30! Back in 1993 Siobhan Fahey & Marcella Detroit fell out and the duo stopped making music together. Growing up, I was definitely influenced by Siobhan, When I turned around 14 I dyed my hair black and I loved dressing in black and wearing black make up. I loved that they were glamorous women, powerful glamour not submissive glamour. Even now I love the more alternative style.I never thought I would ever get the chance to see them live or hear new music from the pair. Back in May they announced they were back together making new music and going on tour together! I have Meet & Greet tickets for Ipswich and I bought their new album 'Singles Party' which also came with a hand signed photo. I'm so in love with the 2 new songs on the album, 'All the queens horses' and 'C U Next Tuesday' and I can't wait for the new EP to be released this autumn!