Last week I was lucky enough to attend their Ride Again tour in Ipswich, For my birthday, my parents & Husband bought be the VIP meet & greet package which included 2nd row seats, a laminte VIP bag and a signed program, and of course a photo opportunity with Siobhan Fahey & Marcella Detroit which has been a childhood dream of mine from the age of 7!
I was also super excited to finally have the chance to buy some Shakespears Sister Merchandise as it's usually really hard to come by.

I bought both the black T.shirts, one with the 'You're History' single cover and the one with the Hormonally Yours album cover.

I had the most amazing evening, Shakespears Sister still have this amazing presence on stage, their voices still as perfect as ever. I'm absolutely loving the western vibe of their new music, if you haven't already definitely check out their new EP!