Shades of Green, Our Future, Introduction
SHADES OF GREEN, OUR FUTURE – Post 1: Introduction
Post 1 – Introduction – January 12/2012
As we are in the early stages of the second decade of the 21st century, the ‘green’ movement is gaining momentum. Governments and economies around the globe are responding to meet the demands of the increasingly conscious public. Whilst it can’t be a bad thing that ‘green’ has become a popular trend, it is a necessary’ one, and we still have a very long way to go to improve the way we live.
This blog series; “Shades of Green – Our Future” looks at green trends in a consumer market and in our global economies, and questions whether we are doing enough. It’s nice to recycle materials and produce beautiful products, but we must question the production of all things and whether there is actually a need for them. ‘Going Green’ has several benefits, and these will also be explored. These are beyond just the environmental impacts. They most definitely affect ethical issues surrounding the wellbeing of animals, the quality of the food we eat, the environments we live in, poverty, health and just about anything you can think of which are the integral parts of life.
At the same time as we have witnessed a green movement, we are just at the beginning of another movement which has brought the world closer than ever before; lead by internet.
It is truly magnificent what the Internet enables us to do. It has instigated a global market place, which is becoming amazingly efficient, and it is certain to pull out some more surprises in times to come. The internet has also led to an incredibly competitive market. Competition is increasing, which is obviously leading to cheaper prices. If we shop smart, we can get a lot more with our money. It is because of this, however, that we need to be smarter consumers than ever, as it is easier to sell and distribute products all over the world, merchants will be cutting corners to provide more competitive prices. Some we are aware of, many we wouldn’t be.
So we can see that there is an offset of the good work done by many. At the same time as we see a push for ‘going green,’ more and more stories are surfacing which are appalling for the good will of our planet, our lives and the lives of those yet to be born. This has, and will conflict with the goals we have for a greener world.
Essentially, it is important that our global economy encourages innovation in all fields, but if we are striving for something, we need to make sure that it’s in the right direction.
Keep posted with this blog series as we will be discussing a whole array of things around this topic.
Christopher J. Wright