Lifestyle Magazine

Sexy Super Foods for Supermodel Skin

By Remielund @remsluxuryblog

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Have you ever wondered how supermodels get that gorgeous glow? Before you dash out to buy the latest beauty product in Grazia, this glow can’t be found on the shelves of Harvey Nics. If you eat well, it could already be hiding in your fridge. If, like me, you are on a health kick at the moment, super foods are something you need to get involved in. Now Christmas and New Year are a distant memory, you may have resorted to a staple diet of celery, celery and more celery. Well, I’ve got news for you; things don’t have to be so boring.

There’s a wonderful array of super foods just waiting for you to try, and the best thing is, they will make your skin glow from the inside. The beauty of these super foods is that not only are they healthy to eat, but they will also assist you in your goals to lose that festive weight. Interested? Then read on…

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According to health experts, these colourful little snacks are a great way to bring your meals to life. Many people try to lose weight with acai berries; they’re a fantastic source of energy and will provide you with all the drive you need to get fighting fit. Goji berries are also a super food you can’t ignore if you want fabulous skin. Packed full of vitamins, these chewy treats will certainly stop you reaching for a chocolate bar before lunch. However, the ultimate berry has to be the blueberry. Rich in antioxidants and amino acids, this fruit will keep your skin both looking and feeling healthy.

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Adding a bit of variation to your diet? Salmon is perfect for a healthy meal.  Not only does it taste delicious, but it’s also a highly nutritious food (helping you to get fit!) Forget fish and chips from the chippy, once you start to add salmon to your diet, you’ll never look back. It provides your body with all the vitamins and minerals you need, such as zinc, iron and copper, as well as all your essential fatty acids. Eva Mendes is a huge fan of this super food and gives her diet all of the credit when asked about her looks. Additionally to this, if you try to eat salmon at least two times a week, then you’ll be consuming the recommended intake of omega 3, keeping your heart and your mind in good health. Lovely! I get all of my salmon recipes from Pinterest so it doesn’t get too samey.

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Although they can be quite fatty, if you eat the right amount, nuts are a brilliant means of preventing hunger between meals.  Similar to salmon, they contain certain acids which can potentially assist in preventing heart disease. This means that they not only provide a solution to snacking and help to shed the pounds, but they also keep you feeling great. What’s more, with nuts, you have a wide range to choose from. Why not try some almonds? A sweet tasting snack that’s bursting with vitamin E for skin and bones. Or perhaps you’d prefer cashew nuts? These are both a source of iron and help boost the metabolism.

What’s your favorite super food? x

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