Inspired by the news story of local serial killer and the egging on of his live wire best friend (Sam Rockwell), who makes ends meet by kidnapping pooches at the local park and collecting the reward money, an alcoholic, hack screenwriter (Colin Farrell) begins his latest project: an existential rumination on a band of seven disparate and deranged lunatics whose bizarre happens more than closely mirror the even odder occurrences of the film. Writer/director Martin McDonagh follows up his freshman triumph "In Bruges" with this violent, self-aware, quirky, though not quite as fun effort which reunites him with Farrell, who is more subdued though still excellent in his role. Rockwell steals the picture as expected (I don't know how this guy is considered top Hollywood brass) and has the movies funniest scene. an extended monolog where he acts out what his ideal finish to Farrell's movie would be. Woody Harrelson and especially Christopher Walken fill in supporting roles nicely with funny comic turns. "Seven Psychopaths" moves in fits and starts, and is clunky in parts, but it strives to be something different, and is mostly entertaining on its own terms.