Ugh you guys! The last month was a bad one for me- we had so many things going on every single weekend that I couldn't keep up with a good meal plan, working out and more! So with a new month starting I thought I'd set some goals for myself this month and take you along with me.
1. Work Out - As I said, I barely worked out last month due to work, meetings, blogging events, vacation and more. It was honestly insane and I'm totally paying for it because I feel so sluggish. Does anyone else feel that way too? I really don't feel as if I have an excuse since the gym I go to is a floor above my office. It's a great stress re leaver too. Alright- packing my gym back and getting into it!
2. Meal Plan - Due to going dairy free again for my little guy, I've really had to watch what I'm eating the next few weeks so I thought what better way to help myself out then to meal prep for this week. I ran to Trader Joes this weekend and picked up a few favorite items I can just reheat when I get to work including Broccoli Rice with Turkey Meatballs, Cauliflower rice with grilled chicken + a few snacks/fruit to munch on. How weird is that I'm actually excited my meal are done? Yeah- nerd alert.
3. Take Me Time - During our vacation last week I had a massage + a mani/pedi. You all- it was heaven! I couldn't even remember the last time I really had taken some 'me time' for myself and not just a soak in the tub ( because we all know my children are screaming downstairs or my toddler wants to come hang out too ) but just alone. I think it may be some scheduling of these in the near future for this Mom.
4. Schedule Ahead - Speaking of scheduling, I'm trying to keep up with the millions of things going on right now. That includes working, freelance writing, parenting, meeting up with bloggers + friends and planning a few date nights for the hubby and myself. I'm attempting to get not become so overwhelmed with so many little to do items so scheduling blog posts and social media can help ease some of that. Hey Sunday Funday at the coffee shop!
Anyways, so those are a few of the goals I hope to keep up for the month. What about you? Do you set any goals for yourself or your family members?