Do you love SEO Powersuite, but don't have to spend huge for this? Then here is good news for you. SEO power suite is giving a massive discount on this all in one Powerhouse SEO toolkit that can save your budget.
When you are in the online industry, then you must have known the terms SEO, Keywords, Marketing, and more. When you are a blogger or agency owner like a web services provider or general services provider from online, you must be curious to know and learn SEO.
SEO powersuite is a tool that can create effective SEO campaigns. Here are the details
SEO Powersuite Black Friday 2019
SEO Powertool costs you $299/month for the professional plan and $699/month for agency plan. Expensive right? But during this black Friday, you will get a massive 70% discount on the regular price.
By looking at the price and black Friday offers, I must say that this is the best deal ever I've come across. For beginners, this price may shock you, but for the experts and agencies, you should grab this deal before it ends.
Agencies spend good money on advertising, and moreover, if you are an SEO agency owner, then you should have to send reports for your clients. The SEO Powersuite has these features to send and reports regularly.
Just look at the features and get a detailed report. You can use the free version to check what it is capable of. So here comes what point. Is it worth spending the money for a month?
You can. Compared to the regular price, the Black Friday offer has the best offer during this black Friday. You can save $209.3 a month and $2516 for a year in the professional plans.
Medium business owners and agency providers who are in the marketing industry, you should take a look at the savings $5871 a year. Now, this is what is driving me crazy. Like other SEO tools, SEO power suite doesn't attract you with marginal discounts in regular days.
Black Friday is the only chance where you can get this huge discount on this SEO powerhouse tool.
Why SEO Powersuite?
SEO Powersuite is one of the best and powerful SEO tools trusted by many experts and professionals. SEO Powersuite is a bundle of four SEO tools, and they are
SEO powersuite has 'FREE, Professional, and Agency' plans. It works for both Windows and Mac users. You just need a little knowledge to use this tool.
You can also integrate some insights tools like Google Analytics and search tools like Google search console for better usability and performance. On this Black Friday, you must not miss this awesome deal of 70% discount.
Rank Tracker:With the rank tracker, you can track your keywords that are driving traffic to your blog. It will help you change your statistics and will insist you change your efforts if those keywords are failing to make an impression. It also display the keyword difficulty tool, which is an important factor in SEO. Hence, you can target low competitive keywords initially.
SpyGlass:It also has a powerful Backlinks and analysis tool called SEO Spyglass. SpyGlass will leave the mark by providing the referring domains your competitors have on their websites and blog pages. Once you got the list, you can outreach them for a link.
Link Assistant:The tool will be helpful for link building opportunities. It will also display the email address of some websites for outreach, but it is highly recommended to use a separate tool for email finding.
Audit your site for better SEOUsing the Website auditor tool, you can add your site and can find the technical SEO issues to improve your site for better performance in search engines. Once you find the difficulties, you can quickly fix them. While crawling your site, the site will check more than 30 on-page SEO factors on your website.
Imagine all these tools packed in one bundle called SEO powersuite. This tool is an impressive SEO package that is worth giving a try. On this black Friday, you won't get a better SEO pack deal than SEO powersuite (70%). If not now, then you should wait for a year. Grab the tool for the best price and start hunting your rankings.