Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) told top military officials at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday that he thinks the military should “crack down” on the rampant sexual assaults (most of which go unreported) plaguing the U.S. military. Chambliss further stated:
“The young folks who are coming into each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22 or 23. Gee whiz, the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur. So we’ve got to be very careful how we address it on our side…But guys, we are not doing our job. You’re not doing yours, and we are not doing ours with the rates we are seeing on sexual assaults.“
The Huffington Post reports:
Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), co-chair of the Military Sexual Assault Prevention Caucus, slammed Chambliss’ comments in a statement on Tuesday afternoon.
“It’s simple; criminals are responsible for sexual assaults, not hormones,” said Turner. “Perpetuating this line of thinking does nothing to help change the culture of our military. We must be focused on combating this issue directly. The numbers speak for themselves.”
Sen. Chambliss you are an idiot. Yes, you now join the ranks of Todd Akin. You might have been a hormonal teen with no sense of responsibility or morality but please refrain from depicting a stereotype of ravenous hounds for the male gender. There is NO excuse for sexually assaulting anyone. If you can’t see that, then you shouldn’t be a U.S. Senator.
I am disgusted by the chauvinistic comments echoed from our U.S. Senate and from the inept inactions from our top military officials in combating these assaults.
According to the Department of Defense there were an estimated 26,000 sexual assaults in the U.S. military!
The female senators are right. A special military legal counsel must be instituted. The current means in ending these assaults is not working. What they are doing is not working. Until we change in the culture in the military nothing will ever permanently change.
It is perplexing to me of how this perverted mentality continues to exist in our society. This archaic notion that “men will be men” is what stunts our country. I shouldn’t be all that surprised that there are idiots in the world (check this Cheerios commercial).
What do you think is the solution?
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