People have been scamming the world trying to sell junk from Israel for a long time. I think of items like "holy water", "holy air", "holy sand", and the like.
The latest is on eBay are rocks from Jerusalem near the Kotel, and even people claiming to sell rocks from the Western Wall itself!
The pictures on that last one are all pictures of the area of the egalitarian platform where the Reform and Women of the Wall hold their services, making one suspicious that the rock might have been taken from the Kotel in that area.
First of all anybody considering purchasing such a rock must question its authenticity. It probably does not come with any certificate of authenticity and might very well be a rock just picked up from the ground anywhere nearby or even not so nearby.
Second, depending on the status of the Kotel, and assuming the rock is actually from the Kotel as claimed, it might very well be prohibited to sell and buy, and even just take, such a rock. If the Wall is a remaining part from the Beit Hamikdash, it could very well be taking something holy and appropriating it for personal use, which is a problem. The other possibility is that the Kotel might not have the status of having been part of the actual Temple but only a retaining wall for the Mount and then it would not have such a status.
Third, I think it is illegal by Israeli law to take such artifacts.
Fourth, I find it amusing that all those selling these rocks have an image of the rock next to an Israeli coin, for sizing purposes, and in the description they say the coin is part of the purchase package.
Fifth, I guess the next step will be selling sponsorships of the Stones that are part of the Kotel. They will put plaques upon each stone saying who sponsored that stone, or half stone or quarter stone, of the Kotel.
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