Amy Perry, member of the contemporary Christian vocal trio, Selah was involved in a car accident that left her sharing what she learned from the experience with fans.
Perry shared on the groups FB page that people always ask if they could pray for them, and she always replies with,“our health & travel safety.”
After the car accident, Perry shared that all those prayers for her safety and travel mercies kept her alive.
We often have people come up to us before or after a show and ask us, “Can I pray for you?” Or “How can I be praying for you?” So often, in fact, that I’ve kind of become accustomed to just saying, “our health & travel safety” by rote. It’s not that I don’t mean it, it’s just, when you’re asked the same question over and over, you used to rattling off the same answer.
Well, I have had quite the reminder that that same question asked and answered over and over, is the most important question anyone could ever ask me. Because last night all those prayers for my safety and travel mercies kept me alive.

Last night after our show in Galena KS, my friend, Kimmy & I took our rental car and left the tour buses. Our plan was to drive to Tulsa to fly out this morning and come home because we didn’t want to ride the bus all the way back to Nashville only to fly home this afternoon. About an hour into the drive, we were just chatting away and suddenly there was a huge deer in front us. There was no avoiding it. It totaled the rental car. And we are ok. We got out, called the police and the sweetest state trooper piled us and all our belongings into his cruiser and waited with us for the tow truck, then drove us the rest of the way to the airport. I’ve had a few hours to reflect on what happened and here are a few things I’ve learned from this experience:
1. Never take prayer for granted. When someone asks you how they can pray for you – tell them, and mean it. I’m going to.
2. God is faithful! Looking at this car, I should be hurt; really hurt. But I have a sore chest and Kimmy has a small cut on her arm and that’s all! God is so faithful!!
3. Always get the damage waiver insurance on a rental car. It’s the best $24.99 I’ve ever spent in my life!
Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to every person who has ever prayed for us. I felt them all last night.
I love you all!