
Second Toe Longer Than Big Toe Spiritual Meaning

Posted on the 25 June 2023 by Shoumya Chowdhury

You have not randomly come across this page. The universe wants you to know the spiritual meaning of having a second toe longer than a big toe

The stars and the universe have brought you here to discover more about what people consider a deformity but it is a sign of utmost spirituality in many cultures. 

This condition is often called Morton’s Toe or a Royal Toe but we will go with Morton’s Toe as it sounds more intellectual than the other name. Did you know that many cultures associate having Morton’s Toe with having incredible intelligence? 

The study about Mortons Toe is infinite and incredibly fun. Anyone who divulges into the study of Mortons Toe is always left amused and curious for more. 

Are you ready to test your curiosity? 

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The History and Origins of the Belief 

This question definitely must have popped into your head: where did the second toe longer than the big toe belief first start? 

It started from the Chinese culture, which believed the feet to be a body map. In Chinese culture, foot reading was used to assess a person’s overall health. 

Got a breathing problem? Better check the sole. 

Having a headache? Check if the big toe is straight or not. 

The Chinese always had a solution for any of their maladies and their study of Mortons Toe is fascinating to the eyes of the beholder. The Chinese believed Morton’s Toe to be a sign of intellect and creativity. 

It soon evolved and went beyond the fields of medical science and became a method to assess personalities or characteristics. What started with a medical root soon became a tool to judge our personalities and help us guess more about ourselves. 

Second Toe Longer Than Big Toe
Second Toe Longer Than Big Toe

Chinese Meaning of Having the Second Toe Longer than the Big Toe

If anyone thinks that having a second toe that is longer than the big toe is a sign of deformity, slam them back by saying that the Chinese considered such a condition to be a sign of good luck. 

A little unknown fact but the Chinese take such things very seriously. They consider a longer second toe to be a sign of good luck, a sign that means that good things will be approaching you. 

The Chinese considered it to be a sign of renewal. To them, it meant that life offered a second opportunity to make things right. 

They believe that individuals have a fresh opportunity to make changes in life by changing their mindsets and actions. 

After all, who doesn’t want a second opportunity in life? We love the Chinese culture for practicing such uplifting beliefs. 

5 Superstitions About Morton’s Toe 

Every oddity comes with several superstitious beliefs. Many people tend to believe that there are some superstitions behind Morton’s Toe. 

Here are 5 superstitions about Morton’s Toe:

  1. Jaw-dropping Intelligence: Not a surprise but many people believe that people that have Morton’s Toe possess unmatched intelligence. Now, there, possessing such intellect does not merely mean that they can a 100/100 on a calculus test. 

People with Morton’s Toe are very clever and bright. They will always think before they act or speak. They seek new experiences and adventures to learn more. 

Their pursuit of knowledge is insatiable. They are open-minded and are always curious about one thing or another. Their curiosity leads them to ask more questions, which can often be annoying to other people. 

They also possess extremely mature emotional intelligence. Their thoughtful gestures sneak into people’s hearts and melt them instantly. 

Meaning of Having the Second Toe Longer than the Big Toe
Meaning of Having the Second Toe Longer than the Big Toe
  1. Amazing Leadership Skills: It is a belief in many cultures that people with Morton’s Toe have fantastic leadership qualities. What a wonderful superstition to have. 

They assume that such people not only have excellent leadership qualities but they are creative and resourceful in tackling issues that they come across. 

They tend to have a robust energy that anyone can pick up. They are respectful, grateful, and empathetic toward their work, and that’s what makes them stand out as excellent leaders. 

Oh, how I wish to have Morton’s Toe. 

  1. Dominance: Another superstitious belief is that people with Morton’s Toe are extremely dominant. Now, that does sound a bit far-fetched but let us see how true that is.  

People with Morton’s Toe can be very dominant. Be it their personal life or their professional life. 

It is assumed that they cannot tolerate anyone else being more powerful or dominant than them. It’s probably because they are an overachiever in every other field so they do not like anyone else taking their spot. 

They can tend to be a bit dramatic but never intentionally. 

Despite all the dominance, they are extremely thoughtful and conscious about what they will do. 

  1. A Good Fortune: Drill this in your head. People with Mortons Toe attract a great deal of good fortune. And how is that possible you may ask? They trust their intuition. 

They never go out chasing good luck. Good luck chasing them. 

These people are always optimistic and resilient in whatever they do or approach. They have unique characteristics that make people of good fortune. 

They always follow their intuition, they are willing to try out new things, they have the patience to wait for good things to come knocking at their doors, they are resilient, and lastly, they are completely fearless and are always willing to take risks to achieve bigger things in life. 

Along with these qualities, they tend to make successful decisions. It stems from their thoughtfulness and their ability to listen to their gut. 

  1. Ill-tempered: Several cultures have this superstitious belief that people with Morton’s Toe can be extremely ill-tempered. They believe that during fits of rage, they can display uncontrollable anger and it is often tough for them to deal with it. 

Most of the time the anger stems from not being able to control any situations. The anger can be so extreme that it can even be violent. 

Some superstitions believe it is mostly women with Morton’s Toe that have this flaw. An ill-tempered personality can lead to having manipulative relationships with spouses or partners. 

These are all superstitions. Some may be true, some may not be true. So, dont let any of it get over your head. 

The Personality of Persons with the Second Toe Longer than the Big Toe 

People with Morton’s Toe have the most breathtaking personality. They are enthusiastic, creative, ambitious, confident, and deeply caring. 

Yes, we already know that these people are seriously enthusiastic about anything they do. They’re passionate, vigorously energetic, and competitive with whatever they do. Be it their work or their relationships, they put their heart and soul into it. 

People that have a second toe longer than the big toe are insanely creative and artistic. They’re open-minded and always love to soak knowledge from wherever they see find it. You’ll usually find these people with a book under their arm or out on another crusade to seek knowledge. 

The Personality of Persons with the Second Toe Longer than the Big Toe 
The Personality of Persons with the Second Toe Longer than the Big Toe 

These people are also highly ambitious and confident in whatever they do. To achieve their goals, they’re willing to adapt to new changes or new experiences. They are quick to take charge in any situation and make the best out of it. 

But despite their energetic and carefree personality, they nurture a soft and caring side. They are simply loving and compassionate individuals. You can always count on them for having your back. 

I Have Morton’s Toe: Am I Intelligent Than Others? 

Yes, of course, having a longer second toe than a big toe is surely a sign of intelligence. Else how do you think people would understand that you are smart? You stand out from the usual crowd.  

It is often suggested that people with a longer second toe can think out of the box, they are unique and creative thinkers, and they are certainly one of the most intelligent bunch out there. 

These people always have a different approach to dealing with any problems. It is their different perspectives about matters that make them one of a kind.  

They have a vivid imagination about life and they always approach their work with a creative and artistic view. 

Moreover, according to many sources, people with Mortons Toe have been known to be intelligent leaders and often have a royal attitude. They are known to be charismatic, and their confidence and intelligence inspire other people.  

And why shouldn’t they? They are born with a different appearance than other people. 

Having a second toe longer than a big toe is truly a sign of out-of-the-world intelligence, and if you are someone who has that, well, congratulations, you belong to the 22% of the population on earth that have it. 

I Have Morton’s Toe: Am I More Royal Compared To Others?  

Did you know that the Greeks considered having a second toe longer than a big toe a sign of royalty? Well, I hope this fun fact didn’t blow up your mind as what you are about to read is more interesting than this. 

The Greeks considered having a second toe longer than a big toe to be a sign of perfection. They considered it to be a sign of royalty as back then only the royals had such toes. 

Many royal families have had toes like this in the past and some continue to have toes like this. Such people are thought to be more focused on beauty and innovation. 

And how can anything about the royals be bad or imperfect? Of course, it had to be the sign of utmost perfection. The royals cannot have anything imperfect; they are the epitome of perfection. 

So, the next time anyone tries to bully you or pull you down for having a supposed body deformity, simply answer them back by saying you belong to royalty. You are far more royal than anyone else. 

I have Morton’s Toe: It’s a Good Sign? 

Yes, of course, having Morton’s Toe is a good sign. It is believed that people with Mortons Toe are really precise with their life and their decisions. 

One in every five individuals is known to have Morton’s Toe. And it is believed to be a sign of royalty and intellect. 

You belong to the group of people that have their entire life planned out and you make every decision after a deep thought. 

You belong to an elite group of people. 

Morton’s Toe Spiritual Belief in Other Cultures

Although the Chinese culture may have started the practice of assessing Morton’s Toe, soon other cultures picked up and started to have their own beliefs about it. 

For example, the Celtic culture believed Morton’s Toe to be a spot where the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world is the thinnest. It is believed that people with Morton’s Toe have a connection with the spiritual world and they can connect with ancestors and other spiritual entities. 

If other cultures are having their spiritual takes on Morton’s Toe, then why should Americans fall behind? The Native Americans believed that people with Morton’s Toe were spiritually insightful and intuitive. They believed that such people had access to their ancestors and other spiritual guides, which allowed them to have great wisdom. 

What Is The Connection Between Morton’s Toe and Energy Flow In The Body?

Some spiritual practices believe that Morton’s Toe disrupts the energy flow in a body. Allow us to elaborate. 

They believe that the toe is connected to the spleen meridian, which helps with the functioning of the immune system and digestion. If the second toe is longer than the big toe, then it may create a disproportion in the spleen meridian. This, in turn, will cause mayhem for the overall health.  


Many cultures may have different beliefs about having a second toe longer than a big toe. Some may be funny, some may be interesting. 

We know you are intrigued by the many takes on the spiritual meaning of having a second toe longer than a big toe. Let us know which one is your favorite. 

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