I'm finding it difficult lately to pick the right background color for these abstract florals I'm painting. I made one with a light blue background before which worked well, so I thought this one would, too (see previous post). After giving it a second look, I decided to cover the blue with a thin coat of pale green. That also had the effect of lightening up the green vines and petals.
Feeling that this painting still needed something more, I used cadmium red deep to draw lines roughly outlining the petals. These two steps changed the feel of the painting quite a bit. I like it much better now, but I'm wondering if it isn't too stark?
Some days I have a lot of doubts, or change my mind about a painting I'm working on. If I know what to do, I work on it immediately. But sometimes there are just the doubts without a ready solution.
I'll let this painting sit for now.
Abstract Floral Seven, 10" x 48" acrylic on canvas.