Politics Magazine

Second National Poll Shows Bloomberg Moving Up

Posted on the 12 February 2020 by Jobsanger
Second National Poll Shows Bloomberg Moving Up
The chart above is from the Morning Consult Poll. They questioned 15,346 Democratic primary voters between February 4th and 9th, and because of the large sample, the survey has only a 1 point margin of error.
Yesterday, I showed you the Quinnipiac University Poll that had Bernie Sanders leading the pack of Democratic candidates with 25% support. This Morning Consult Poll verifies that.
It also verifies that the candidate that is moving up the most is Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg is third in both polls -- 15% in Quinnipiac and 17% in Morning Consult. He has moved past all other candidates except Biden and Sanders.
Is this becoming a race between Sanders and Bloomberg? It could be.

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