Everyone living with celiac disease knows that the journey to a diagnosis is often long, complex, convoluted, and not fun. We all got here in a different way yet ironically many of our experiences are the same.
In this episode I interview Alicia Alvarez a regular feature writing on the gluten free chef blog. She discusses her celiac journey and how she overcame depression and anxiety to finally take control over her life.
Alicia is a renaissance woman, multitasker, and overall tour de force. She even brought her 11 month old son along for our discussion. We have a spirited discussion full of understanding, compassion, and energy from baby Gabe. This is just the first of a two part episode with Alicia.
Keep up to date on the latest news and updates on the gluten free chef blog by visiting www.theglutenfreechefblog.com
Send your celiac or gluten free questions to [email protected]
Music: www.bensound.com