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I honestly don’t know how people can sit through an entire Sean Spicer briefing every single day. The marble-mouthed, gaffe-prone White House press secretary lies constantly, berates reporters, acts like a petty dictator and provides little to no useful information. The worst case scenario of any given Spicey briefing is usually that he makes some epic gaffe or tells some huge lie and it ends up trending on Twitter. Well, that happened on Tuesday. You know it was a terrible f–king briefing when “Sean Spicer” was trending along with “Holocaust Centers” and “German Jews.” Like, that’s just giving you a taste of The Spicey Experience.
So what exactly happened? Spicey was trying – I THINK? – to make the argument that Syria’s President Assad (or as Spicey calls him, “Ashad”) is the worst Hitler to ever Hitler and Ashad out-Hitlers Hitler and that’s why Donald Trump had to act because HITLER. Spicer started out defending the administration missile strike in Syria by comparing Assad’s actions to Adolf Hitler’s actions… in which it sounds Spicer seemed to believe that Hitler never, ever used chemical weapons on anyone?
“We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II. You know, you had a, you know, someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons. So you have to if you’re Russia, ask yourself: Is this a country that you, and a regime, that you want to align yourself with? You have previously signed onto international agreements, rightfully acknowledging that the use of chemical weapons should be out of bounds by every country.”
Minutes later, another reporter asked for a clarification and basically gave Spicer a chance to walk back his comments. Spicer made it worse though, because of course he did.
“I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing,. I mean, there was clearly, I understand your point, thank you. Thank you, I appreciate that. There was not in the, he brought them into the Holocaust center, I understand that. What I am saying in the way that Assad used them, where he went into towns, dropped them down to innocent, into the middle of towns, it was brought — so the use of it. And I appreciate the clarification there. That was not the intent.”
This is just one of the spectacular reaction shots of the press pool when Spicer said “Holocaust center.”
the exact moment sean said "holocaust centers" pic.twitter.com/qcJRg71d9f
— David Mack (@davidmackau) April 11, 2017
So, yes, “Holocaust Center” was trending on Twitter which is completely appropriate in our Brave New Bigly World. But seriously, look at that second blockquote again and really read it. That’s how Spicer’s mind works. He’s making Syria the winner of the Genocide Olympics because he believes that Assad is worse because he kills “innocent” people by plane, in towns. Unlike not-as-bad Adolf Hitler, who had not-innocent people rounded up into Holocaust Centers (how quaint) and killed with chemical weapons.
Obviously, Spicer knew he stepped in it, because his office sent out a flurry of clarification statements. The clarifications were still being reworked several hours after the briefing, as one of the first clarifications actually included the sentence “In no way was I trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the Holocaust, however…” and then reiterating something about “innocent” people. Because again, to Sean Spicer, the Jews killed in the Holocaust were NOT innocent.
Spicer statement: “In no way was I trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the Holocaust, however…” pic.twitter.com/SiBZfgOZZ7
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
.@HallieJackson From the print pool, what appears to be a 4th Hitler clarification from Spicer, which adds a sentence at the end not there previously pic.twitter.com/lxZDJb2rwt
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
And now the Anne Frank Center says Spicer must be fired. Nancy Pelosi says he should be sh-tcanned too. I’m done.
Anne Frank Center: “Sean Spicer now lacks the integrity to serve as White House press secretary, and President Trump must fire him at once.” pic.twitter.com/HBRFutsZzW
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
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Source: celebitchy.com
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