Celeb Magazine

Sean McManus Denies Knowledge of Sunday Ticket Price-gouging, Side Deal with NFL to Effect It

By Ceboscuit @ceboscuit

Sean McManus refutes any allegations of knowledge or involvement in Sunday Ticket price-gouging or a side deal with the NFL to facilitate it

The presiding judge is considering whether to dismiss a class action lawsuit against the NFL related to the Sunday Ticket package pricing. Former CBS Sports chairman Sean McManus supplied evidence denying that the NFL controlled the pricing, while other facts suggest the pricing was rigged to benefit CBS and Fox in-market packages. There are questions about the lack of a single-team option and high prices for Sunday Ticket. The case is complicated, with the NFL being accused of manipulating prices to boost TV ratings. The lawyers representing the class must navigate through complex legal battles against high-priced defense counsel without overcomplicating the case.
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