Hey Bud, listen up…Screw you.
This popped into my head this morning as I was reading this story from NBC Sports. From the article: “The report: that Bud Selig is prepared to invoke his powers to “preserve the integrity of the game” in order to keep Alex Rodriguez off the field even if he appeals his discipline. In other words: Selig will essentially void the part of the Joint Drug Agreement that allows players to play pending appeal and suspend him summarily.”
Screw Bud Selig. Screw him and the 1940′s mule he rode in on. This guy is a complete fraud. I hate him in every way possible. Don’t hate him? That’s fine, just remember this, he makes over $20 million a year to be the commissioner of Major League Baseball. He refuses to institute a greater amount of replay because he says he likes the idea that mistakes can be made by umpires, even though that may be the dumbest idea ever and can effect the outcomes in games (See last night’s Red Sox game.) He preaches”Integrity of the game,” even though he has his grubby hands all over the Steroid Era. Hell, the guy apparently has NEVER SENT AN EMAIL.
Now, he wants to do whatever it takes to keep Alex Rodriguez off the field for the rest of his career to, once again, “preserve the integrity of the game.” The problem Bud, is that YOU created this mess. You let steroids, HGH and whatever the hell these guys are taking now a days into the game. You turned a blind eye when baseball was at its lowest point after the strike in 1994. You pretended not to notice that guys were getting bigger, faster, stronger and celebrated those same players as they brought baseball back to life. Then, when you’d gotten every last ounce of celebrity, notoriety, press AND financial gain you could out those players, you jumped ship and began a crusade against them. Since then, he’s tried constantly to keep drugs out of baseball. Yes, those same drugs he pretended weren’t be injected into Sammy Sosa‘s ass in the late 90′s. He’s instituted more drug testing, stronger penalties and pretty much threatened the lives of anyone who has been linked to supplying players performance enhancing drugs (see biogenesis.) Now, comes word that he wants A-Rod out of baseball for good. Sure, A-Rod’s the douchiest of the douche bags and I’m sure he’s been enhancing himself in every way possible since he burst onto the scene, but how can Bud Selig preach integrity when it was his integrity that he lit on fire in the late 90′s as players used every enhancement known to man to get an edge?
Do you still like Selig? I hope not. This guy should have left baseball a long time ago. His role in the renaissance of baseball in the late 90s/ early 2000′s was simply to cover his ears and eyes whenever a player grew twice their size in an off-season. Whenever a player went from a few homeruns to 50+ (remember Brady Anderson,) he said nothing and chose to celebrate that player for season they’d just had. Now a failed test nets you 50 games, a second 100 games and a third a Lifetime Ban. You’re also not getting into the Hall of Fame either.
Brady Anderson and Brett Boone

And here’s the crazy thing. 10 year ago, I hated the steroid era players for the exact reason Bud Selig says he wants A-Rod out of the league: integrity. I loathed Barry Bonds and his super-sized head because not only did he break the homerun record by a million, he also influenced umpires, who’s strike zone for Bonds was probably the size of his shrunken testicles. But eventually, I realized that baseball let this happen. The people in charge needed baseball to become popular again and they DID NOT CARE HOW THAT HAPPENED. How it happened had already been happening in the showers of locker rooms. Jose Canseco was juicing from the word go, got his buddy Mark McGwire into it and McGwire, along with Sosa practically breathed life back in to baseball. How can I be mad at these guys, when everyone, including Major League Baseball, celebrated their successes. Even worse, they wanted more. Records were being broken, the casual fan jumped back onto the MLB bandwagon and baseball was back!
Don’t forget these guys!
Now that baseball is back, Bud Selig wants to make sure that people remember his name. He’s can’t be commissioner for that much longer I imagine and he wants to leave his “legacy” on the game. It’s apparent that he wants to be known as the guy that “cleaned up baseball’s drug image,” even if it was him who allowed those drugs to flood the baseball market. Bud Selig is a bad human being because he’s using power he inherited to try a push out a guy that helped raise Bud’s salary to the ridiculous height it is today. Had A-Rod not done what he’d done on the field (in part due to his use of PEDs) Bud Selig may very well not be commissioner right now. Because of that, he needs to shut the hell up and leave baseball well alone.
Here’s hoping that Bud Selig goes away, and soon. Baseball could use a fresh face to run the league. Someone who’s hands aren’t nearly as dirty as Bud Selig’s are.