To get started using Screencastify, add it to Chrome first from the Chrome Web Store. Then, click on the extension to get started with your recording. There are a few options from which to choose once you start using this extension:

You can record in different tabs; however, as you can see in the Screencastify options pictured below, you have to manually tell Screencastify that you want to record in a new tab. The default settings for options in Screencastify are shown below.

But the option I nerded out about the most was the "Embed webcam video in the bottom-right corner" option. This records you, the speaker and creator of said video, whilst you are creating the screencast, and shows you in all your wondrous glory in the bottom-right corner of the screen in the final product. However, you don't get to see yourself during the actual recording unless you check the "Preview window" option that appears after you start recording. Once this is checked, you will see a small window appear that will show you what your screencast looks like as you record it as well as what you look like in the embedded webcam video.