So, are you excited about "back to school" yet? Never mind that the phrase also translates into "back to work" for me...personally I can't wait to spend too much for my daughters' clothes, handle piles of extra paperwork on my kitchen counter, and -- wait for it -- pack lunches every single night, since both girls are full-time this year!
(If you're new here, yes, that is sarcasm.)
I think we could all use some help easing into a new school year, which is why I wrote School Daze for Peterborough, Northumberland and Lakeridge Kids; a compilation of tips and tricks for making 2012/2013 the best school year yet.
With contributions from many of my readers, the article includes ideas under several "back to school" categories: Get Back on Track, Calm Jitters, Shop Around, Start Organizing and Simplify Lunches...with a sidebar of "Tips For a Successful School Year" right from teachers!
Check out the entire School Daze article from Peterborough, Northumberland and Lakeridge Kids.