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Saying Goodbye: When It’s Time to Remove Your Tree

By Kravelv

Many homes have trees in the yard, they provide shelter, make a great spot for a treehouse, can be climbed, or simply look stunning.

In some cases the tree was planted by a family member, in others, the tree is so old nobody remembers when it was planted. In almost all cases family members become attached to the tree, the idea of removing it is not one that is considered necessary.

Unfortunately, the sad fact is that any tree can need to be removed, it’s not just about the age of the tree.

Saying Goodbye: When it’s Time to Remove Your Tree

Although it can be incredibly sad, removing a tree is the only sensible option in many cases. If your tree is suffering from one of the following then you need to contact a reputable specialist in tree removal Sydney and have it taken care of.

Storm Damage

If your tree is hit by lightning then the tree will be weakened and perhaps even killed. At the least, you’re likely to have a section of a dead tree that could fall.

Of course, the problem with a section of the tree falling is the damage it could do. Falling trees can hit homes, vehicles, or even people. That’s not a desirable scenario and one that you should do everything possible to avoid.

Even if your tree is not hit by lightning you may find that it moves in a heavy storm. When this happens you’ll need to get professional advice. A leaning tree or otherwise moved tree will have disturbed roots. This means the roots may no longer be strong enough to support the tree.

In short, the tree may start to die through a lack of nutrient uptake or it may be at greater risk of falling over.

Both scenarios warrant the removal of the tree.


It’s not just your teeth that can develop cavities. Trees can develop cavities in their trunk or even in larger branches. The cause is not always known and a cavity is not always a reason to cut down your tree. But, it will weaken the tree, making it more likely to fall.

If your tree occupies a position where it could injure people by falling, then this will be enough of a reason to remove the tree.

If there isn’t a risk to people you’ll want professional guidance regarding whether it should be removed or if it is still healthy.

Fungal Growth

Fungi grow on tree bark, stripping it of its nutrients and gradually penetrating the inner workings of the tree. This prevents the tree from getting the nutrient it needs and it will die.

If you catch the fungi early you may be able to eliminate it and save the tree. But, if it’s been there a while the tree is most likely to be infected. The sooner you remove the tree the better, both for the tree and the safety of those around it.

Don’t forget, when you remove a tree you can always plant a new one, helping to maintain the circle of life.

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