Lifestyle Magazine

Say Ooh to BabySpa Massages

By Chaayen

We went back again to BabySpa! This time round, baby wasn't as cheery so the camerawoman mama didn't manage to catch as many good shots. I realize some of you readers are curious about their other services as well so I thought we will share a little bit more about the massages. 

So basically, all the water training package comes with a relaxing massage after. You can go for the massage service on its own too, which is priced at $26 per visit. Even during the second visit when baby was fussing a lot, he did calm down during the massage. This boy really enjoys his massages!

Say ooh to BabySpa Massages

The massage helps to relax the baby and reduce anxiety in them. Usually after the massage, my boy would fall asleep on his way home (massages are said to promote regular sleep pattern but by then, he slept at a specific time already so I couldn't really verify this.) The massage also helps to improve blood circulation and in turn their immune system. For colic babies, these help to relieve the wind in them.
For parents who think that you will only capture cute moments in the water training session, you are utterly wrong. Don't stop those shutters because when your child is enjoying his massage, he will be giving some of the most adorable expressions. Also, you can learn a few tips from the ladies at BabySpa so that you can try it out on the baby yourself.
Say ooh to BabySpa Massages

A typical massage would consists of some stretches, tummy rubs, face massages (optional) and back prods. My kid particulalry enjoyed his face massages, giving his "oohhh" face every single time, hehe. My boy used to have colic and I wished I had tried out massages earlier. We let him grow out of it and that took 2 difficult months, sigh. 
Yes, we do have a promo code for BabySpa. Quote CHAA10 and you can get 10% off their products from their online store. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to the services but this is quite a steal for their bath toys, swim products and even toys!

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