Debate Magazine

Say Hello to My Little Friend

Posted on the 05 April 2013 by Mikeb302000
'My Friend' in the held in recommended knuckle duster position

From the Trenches
Back in the late 19th century, brass knuckles and small pocket revolvers were popular for personal defense. One Catskills gun maker decided to combine these two concepts in the form of a compact protection tool that could be used as both. His name was James Reid, and his little knuckleduster revolvers were simply referred to as the “My Friend” series.
Notice how the secure and responsible gun nut compulsively chews his nails.  Of course he doesn't show us that in the video, but judging by the difficulty he had in extracting that spent shell, he puts a lot of time into it. Just imagine the gun oil and powder residue he ingests.
Maybe this gives us another insight into what's wrong with these guys. Besides paranoia, inferiority, insecurity and various other mental disorders, perhaps they often suffer from pica.
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