Dress: Zalora, Shoes: UP, bag : HK
Time will fly so fast.Don't waste it! Because you will missing the greatest thing that will happen to you.So, it's time to use the watch in your arms. Choose your watch wisely. Pick the right one.(well, i will looking for that.)The one that really remind you how great your life.Find it the right store. For me, Zalora is one of my favorite place to shop. In that website, i can find the things that i love easily such, dresses, shoes, and also watch (I still looking the best one, my favorite is Swatch. Or you have another recomendation?)
"Do what makes you happy, as well as shopping."Shop the things that you love and buy in the store that sell the stuff you want.
So, what is the thing that always make you happy?http://lovesimplegreen.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default