
Saving Energy At Your Utah Home: Solar Panels 101

Posted on the 22 January 2021 by Shoumya Chowdhury

We've all read about the state of our planet. Global warming is a very real threat to the longevity of our well-being here on earth. The more we continue to burn fossils fuels for energy (and at an accelerated rate), the closer we come to destruction.

While it may not be our generation or the generation after that, eventually, big changes in how we create energy will be an absolute necessity. But in the meantime, what reasons do you have right now for converting your Utah home to solar energy? Aside from doing your part to reduce climate change, how can solar energy systems benefit you?

We're here to provide you with some answers. Keep reading for the top energy and financial perks of investing in solar panels for homes and/or businesses.

Lower Energy Bills

First, and perhaps most importantly, installing solar panels on your Utah home will help you lower your monthly and yearly energy costs. The average American pays over $110 each month for their electricity alone. This doesn't include gas, propane, or any other energy sources.

Solar panel installation can significantly reduce how much you're spending to power your home's electronics. This includes everything from lights to TVs and major appliances. However, what you can power with your system depends on the solar system itself.

If you don't have enough solar energy to power your entire home, you can start slowly and power smaller devices, which will still help lower your energy costs.

Off-Grid Living

Whether you're looking for remote homes for sale in Utah or are looking to build your own far from the city, solar energy may be your only plausible solution. Remote living areas won't necessarily have access to utilities like electricity or gas hookups.

If off-grid living is a desire of yours, search for " solar companies near me." You can find solar panels for sale and solar panel installation estimates in your area. Find out how much it will cost to get completely off the grid, whether you're living remotely or in-town.

Tax Write-Offs

One of the best things about solar panel installation in Utah homes is the tax benefits. When a home or business owner opts to convert to solar power, the government rewards them with sizeable tax deductibles.

After installing your solar system, file it in your tax return to reasonably off-set solar panel costs. In 2021, you can get refunded up to 22% of your initial costs.

Increased Home Value

Finally, if you equip your Utah home with a solar system and end up selling your house in the future, you can ask for more money. Solar panel installation increases your home's value and it's selling potential. Interested home buyers will see the value of being off the grid and/or paying less to power their electronics and appliances.

Looking for More Great Advice for Your Utah Home?

As you can see, there are a ton of benefits to having a Utah home powered by solar energy. Whether you're in the market for a new home, looking to build, or wanting to enhance your current house, solar energy is a must for the future. And if you're looking for more homeownership, technology, or real estate advice, check out some of our other articles while you're here. Our blog is full of great information for people like you.

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