If you have children and you use a train a lot, be it long or short journeys, then you are missing out on a lot of savings if you don't have a Family & Friends railcard.

I've had one of these for three years in total now and I have saved so much money using if for short journeys and breaks away.
The card has an initial cost of £30 for a year. This price may put many off, I did weigh it all up myself before purchasing my first one but they really are worth every penny if you don't drive.
Using one of these cards can save you a third off adult fares along with a massive 60% off child fares on most UK rail fares.
To give a few examples of places we have been using our card.
Bolton to Blackpool next day return (1 adult & 3 children) Normal price - £44.25. Price using rail card - £21.75And traveling slightly further afield, say down to London for a night...
without card - £217.25. With card - £106.85. Which is an enormous saving.
Traveling with 3 children by train can be very expensive but it's halved with my rain card and therefore the savings make the one off £30 payment more than worth it. The savings for any journey can be looked up on most train booking websites. The only real condition of the card is that adults need to be travelling with at least one child. Children under five do travel free on trains but if you own the family and friends rail card, paying a small amount for a baby or young child can still save a lot of money.
This railcard also has other benefits such as lots of offers from various brands including holiday companies such as Haven.
One railcard can be used by a total of 4 adults and 4 children at any time.
Railcards can be purchased directly from the website.