
Saunas Around the World: Exploring Different Traditions and Designs

Posted on the 22 November 2023 by Shoumya Chowdhury

The sauna has become a global phenomenon, a sanctuary of warmth and wellness. From Finnish wood-burning saunas to sleek spaces powered by an electric sauna stove, the variety is astonishing. In this blog post, we’ll explore how saunas differ around the world.

The Finnish Sauna: A Spiritual Experience

The Finnish sauna is more than a mere hot room, it’s a cultural institution in Finland. In addition to using aromatic woods like pine and spruce, some Finns even incorporate natural elements like stones and moss into the design to elevate the spiritual experience.

Families pass down sauna customs from generation to generation, ingraining them as part of a Finnish identity. One notable ritual is the “vihta” or “vasta”—a bundle of birch twigs used for gentle flagellation, believed to improve circulation and cleanse the skin.

Russian Banya: Eucalyptus and Whisks

In Russia, the banya isn’t just a wellness retreat, it’s a cornerstone of social life. Traditional banyas feature a wood-burning furnace with stones on top, known as the “pechka,” where water gets thrown to produce steam. Veniki, or leafy birch whisks, are not merely aesthetic but serve a functional purpose.

They’re soaked in warm water and then used in a specific manner to improve circulation, open up the pores, and enhance the steaming process. Social norms dictate sharing hearty meals and herbal teas post-banya, making it a whole-day affair.

Japanese Mushi-Buro: Aromatherapy and Earth

Mushi-Buro are designed as underground sanctuaries often adorned with zen-like simplicity. Cedarwood, known for its calming effects, is commonly used in the construction of these saunas. Kampo, or Japanese herbal medicine, plays a significant role here.

Sachets of blended herbs like mugwort and ginger may be placed in the steam source, serving dual functions of aromatherapy and potential health benefits, such as enhanced blood flow and relaxation of the muscles.

Turkish Hamams: A Ceremonial Cleanse

The Turkish hamam transcends mere function, it’s an art form. The architecture is an elegant blend of Byzantine and Ottoman styles. Not only do the tiles serve an aesthetic purpose, but they also keep the spaces clean and easy to heat.

A complete hamam experience often includes a full body scrub, a foamy wash, and sometimes even a massage. This layered approach to cleansing is almost ceremonial and signifies purification not just of the body but also of the spirit.

Swedish Bastu: Lakeside Leisure

The Swedish bastu frequently accompanies holiday homes and public swimming sites. Its lakeside location serves a vital purpose: cold-water immersion post-sauna is believed to boost the immune system and improve mood.

Additionally, the contrast between the hot sauna and the chilly lake water enhances the overall wellness experience, including improving circulation and possibly aiding in muscle recovery.

Modern Saunas: Technology Meets Tradition

Technology has made inroads into the traditional world of saunas. Many modern saunas come with touch-screen controls, built-in speakers, and even Wi-Fi. However, the core idea remains: a place for mental and physical relaxation.

Even with all the digital bells and whistles, the essential wellness benefits—such as detoxification, stress reduction, and improvement in cardiovascular health—remain intact.

The Common Thread: Design Meets Wellness

While the look, rituals, and technology may vary, the primary purpose of all saunas is wellness. Whether through the detoxifying effects of intense heat, the health benefits of specific herbal aromas, or the emotional relief of a good sweat, saunas offer a universally human experience.

This intersection of design and well-being unites saunas worldwide, each contributing its unique take on an age-old tradition.

The differences between saunas around the world

From Finland’s rustic wooden saunas to Turkey’s luxurious hamams, the global landscape of saunas is both varied and fascinating. Understanding these traditions enriches our appreciation for this age-old wellness practice. Whether you choose a modern sauna with an electric sauna stove or opt for a more traditional style, you’re partaking in a global ritual of relaxation and renewal.

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