After she was finally convinced to derobe from her peculiar outfit, and after her nap, we headed out with the dogs. I used our brand new wrap conversion Tula (shhh, don't tell Simon!). I scored it in their stocking last week**, and have been so excited for it to arrive! I have wanted a rainbow WC tula for ages, and this was the first one I ever really lusted after. I was a little nervous that I wouldn't love it after a bad experience with my last WC Tula, but it is absolutely love. Such a comfortable carrier, and just beautiful as well. I may dedicate a whole post to Tulas soon... Anyway, I know people think I am crazy for lugging my almost 2 year old around on my back, but I love it. The whole time I walked she chatted way in my ear, and she is at the most wonderful stage where we can actually have little conversations with one another as her speech is developing so well. We chatted about all we saw, and I felt so lucky and privileged to have been given the gift of such an amazing daughter.After our walk we had lunch and I managed to spectacularly burn mine. I made the quesadillas I featured a while ago, and after we gobbled those up we headed out to see my granny. My sister in law, nephews and dad all turned up at various points so it was a busy afternoon. Isabelle has been a bit(!) under the weather with a cold this week so when we got home she really was the worse for wear. She ended up being carted off to bed at 6.30pm, a sobbing wreck. It's been a tough week for us as she has been so miserable, but today was such a great day that it helped blow the cobwebs away.
(**for non-Tula mums that means I ordered it during a stocking in which the Tulas go up and sell out within minutes - it's an achievement to score! I think I need to do a whole post about Tulas soon...)