Gathering old things was a way of life for my mother. It didn't matter where; barn, shop, dump, side of the road, a friend's yard sale, a hand me down... If the color, or texture, shape or whatever made my mother's creative wheels turn, she would stop and pick it up, take it home and unlike Rapunzel turn it into gold.
Our home didn't have valuable treasures,
or old master paintings,
or hundred year old heirlooms,
or something recognizable as trendy or new.
And yet my Mother is known for having a knack of making anything look like something.

A few years ago my mom and her friend Holly opened up a fabulous shop in our hometown. Then Holly expanded the shop across the street and other vendors rolled in.
If you like rustic, country chic, mixing textures such as burlap, hemp, zinc and wood with golden harvest hues this shop, this gathering is not to be missed.

Their shop is a pleasure for the eyes, a brilliant simple sense of design, good ideas to take home, a common expression heard;
"Why didn't I think of that."
Gathering Better Junque
Main Street
Willows California
for more information contact Holly at: