
SaskTel Offers BYOD 15GB Unlimited Plan for $70 Per Month

Posted on the 18 June 2019 by Vinhta
SaskTel offers BYOD 15GB unlimited plan for $70 per month

Regional carrier SaskTel is offering a deal on its existing unlimited data plans that could make Saskatchewan residents think twice about who to sign up with.

For a limited time only, SaskTel is offering its VIP 90 unlimited plan to everyone. Typically, the VIP 90 plan is reserved for customers on select maxTV and/or interNET plans linked to mySASKTEL accounts. However, the carrier is offering it to everyone who buys a new device as well as to bring your own device (BYOD) customers.

The VIP 90 plan offers users unlimited nationwide and Canada-to-U.S. calling, as well as text, picture and video messaging. Additionally, subscribers get 15GB of high-speed data. Once users pass that, SaskTel reduces data speed to 2Mbps.

To put that in perspective, Telus' new No Overage promotional plans throttle speed to 512Kbps while Bell's promotional Unlimited Data plans and Roger's permanent Infinite plans throttle to 256Kbps.

The VIP 90 plan also offers voicemail and call display services and costs $90 per month if you're planning to get a phone.

Those looking to go BYOD can get the VIP 90 plan for just $70 per month - about $5 cheaper than Bell's, Telus' and Rogers' offerings and with an extra 5GB of high-speed data.

Typically, customers without maxTV or interNET subscriptions would pay $130 per month for this plan if they were looking to get a phone.

You can learn more about the plans here.

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