There’s a bit of a fuss over the new Google Maps, Sardinia. I noticed last week when I searched for a map of Sardinia; I wanted to re-create the route I had driven the weekend before and entered in:

And was shown this:

Out loud, I said to myself “Tatari?” Ohh, you mean Sassari, okay. The newly updated Google Maps, features all major town names in Sarda, the official language of Sardinia. Hey, times are changing, and I’m with the majority who believe Sarda is a language and not a dialect.
I thought maybe I had used, then searched the .com and had the same result; a Google map of Sardinia with cities and towns written in Sarda. I even commented about it on my Facebook page:

The new Google Map Maker allows citizens across the globe to edit and change the names of cities and towns, and some islanders have edited all major towns in Sardinia to Sarda.
This, I haven’t a problem with, the islanders need to embrace their heritage and hold tight to age-old customs.
What I have a problem with, is the confusion it may lead to the million non-native speaking, soon-to-be travellers who are searching for information on Sardinia, and shown a map, with ancient city names while their trusted guide-book reflects a very different language. I just had a peek at all my travel guide books on Sardinia, and not one map is in Sarda.
That’s why I’m here, to help clear the air and show both sides of the coin.
Map Sardinia ~ 2013 ~ Map Sardegna

So, really, what’s all the fuss?
I’m on both sides.
a) I’m with the population of islanders who want, and should rightfully keep what has been theirs for centuries, this includes: language, land, culture and traditions.
b) We also need to educate the outsiders, the travellers, the non-native speakers, nomads and drifters, to the change; for without their spending the island could not survive.
What’s YOUR take?
© My Sardinian Life/Jennifer Avventura. All rights reserved 2010-2013. All pictures, unless otherwise stated, are property of My Sardinian Life. Do not use without written permission.