In a box full of old books that my Belle Mere gave me I found one with a cranberry red binding with gold letter writing on it. I pulled it out, and thumbed through the pages. It had engravings through out, I thought to myself one of them is going to say something to me. I don't know why I think these things but there you go. The cranberry leather binding made me think of Christmas.
The next page had the best of surprises! A Santa looking like guy with two people who could passes for elves. I cut the engraving out of the book, WHICH IS SO UNLIKE ME, and colored it in with felt tip pins. I love how Santa's hand is up in the air, as the elf points to a name in the book. I suppose Santa is saying, "What do you think Naughty or Nice?" Santa is marking it with a feather pen. Or at least that is how I see it.
As the cover wasn't very appealing with its yellow speckled paper, especially as the backside was torn badly. I decided to cover it with a decorative washi tape.
I am not a craft person. This was a new experience for me. As I was creating I thought of things I should have done differently... but oh well it was fun doing it.
Things I should have done differently:
Photo copied the engraving from the book, instead of cutting it out.
Used a photo copy and not the original. Duh.
Painted the cover first, then added the tape...
Step 0ne: Find a book. An old one preferably.
The cranberry leather binding made the book look extra rich and authentic, the added touch was the title and date in gold lettering: 1789-1815.
Step Two: Cover the book with a Christmas theme.
Complicated my project isn't it.
Step Three: Write, or find a typeset, or cut out letters that say:
Santa's List
Naughty or Nice?
Tie a ribbon around it.
My name is somewhere in between, and yours?
Find it a home. Add names to it of those who come to visit.
The old wooden shoes are French, handpainted, to put out for Saint Nicolas to fill.
I stuffed them with cuttings from the yard.
And there you have it my Christmas Craft project.