Fashion Magazine

Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin

By Desiree68 @pullyoursocksup
Well we've unwrapped our presents, the children are having a swim and lunch with their father's family, #1 Son has gone for a drive and I'm having a break with hubby before cooking a simple Christmas dinner for this evening.
It's about 34 degrees, rather humid and way too hot to eat yet.
Happy Christmas dear readers!
Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinThese pics were taken last night on Christmas Eve while #1 Son, up from Melbourne, was cooking up a storm in the kitchen.The house was tidy (past tense), we all looked fairly reasonable and happy to be all under the same roof.Oh and Santa came early and gifted me perfect skin.Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinActually that's a damn lie.
I suffer from adult acne, insects destroy the skin on my feet and ankles in summer and I'm prone to nervous scratching and picking.
I always import my camera pics into Aperture, crop them, retouch a couple of scabs (!!) and that's it ... I don't have Photoshop and I hate fake skin-smoothing shite in blog pics.
But for some reason, Aperture "knows" I need LOADS of touch-up so it does it for me without asking.
Ugh!!  Think I'll go back to iPhoto for more "honest" photographs.
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinReal-fake tree.
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinAfter admiring Emma's beautiful Christmas tree, I decided that next year's tree will be more playful and off-the-wall.
There's nothing grown up about Christmas is there so why get all serious when it comes to decorating?
Here are a few shots of ours this year, with some of the handmade decorations ... I love the ones the kids have made at school, they're my favourites.
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinTah-dah, a pic of (L-R) #2 Son (16), The Stylist (11) and #3 Son(12).
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinOur perfect skin.
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinNo fake skin applied here.
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinDon't ask, I have no answer.  
But I think we're looking very happy.
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin"Oh god will you just TAKE the photo?"
Santa Gave Me Perfect Skin
Santa Gave Me Perfect SkinThe Stylist has been using the school holidays as an opportunity to dip-dye her hair ends.
I wish you a wonderful Christmas ... relax, go with the flow and try not to stress.
Big hugs and kisses to you all!
Desiree xoxox

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