
Samsung Tells the Story Behind the Galaxy S22 Series Design

Posted on the 18 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

If you are wondering what the story behind Samsung’s biggest superior and biggest design, this is for you. That is, if you like reading pr talking nonsense in your spare time, as we do. If so, you will be interested in phrases such as “essence of originality” and “new outside innovation”.

The Samsung marketing team basically praised the Samsung design team in terms of humans with low people who did not work in the marketing department may have difficulty understanding very well. This is the “originality essence” is about: “Samsung always aspires to develop a simple and flat form that harmonize technology and design without exposing the boundaries between them. With fine and beautiful lines that resemble the curvature of the sand hills, moderation and solidity of coexisters The Galaxy S Series series’.

So, yes, that. What about “bold geometry”? If you are unconscious, “the design philosophy prioritizes only takes the most important element to set a unique identity”. Unique but different between S22 / S22 + and S22 Ultra, no?

Perhaps the best part is where the words “smooth combination” are directly followed by images that show the Galaxy S22 or S22 +, with new stitches separating the camera island from the frame, unlike what we see in a truly smooth design Last year for family members S21. It’s funny, but the point is that Samsung tries to make it not about it, instead of the similarity is about color: “Galaxy S22 and S22 + both feature analog colors at home and their metal camera body, creating a sense of unity”. Of course, okay.

The part that talks about the Ultra S22 design does not try to hide that it inherits the identity of the Galaxy Note ‘design “but sturdy”. It also explains how the company “minimizes the size of the camera by optimizing the design”. There are also some info about s pens who are joy to use, because of the bottom latency, as well as some new features in one UI – because “design” can also design software.

Even the Samsung Wallet got a shout, before we turned to color and how they trended had not been classy. And if you need more colors in your life, guess what? Samsung has a case to sell you. Obviously it can’t put it simple in the box with the phone, because everything is in the neighborhood now. No case, no charger – why not pay for them separately and get it in separate packaging which overall is more wasteful? Right? But hey, at least a S22 box is 56% smaller than the volume of S20.

Finally, Samsung eagerly promised that “in the future, the company will continue to create innovative experiences that reflect our replace time, break the existing boundaries and exceed what limits can be done by smartphones”.

We only give you some quotes, but the whole “design story” is waiting to impress you at the source that is linked below. And if you are interested in Samsung’s new superiority, see our direct review.

The post Samsung tells the story behind the Galaxy S22 series design first appeared on Technology Magazine.

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