Samsung India Electronics announced the launch of four new products, engineered to deliver exceptional cooling, increased efficiency and lower operating and maintenance costs. The 4 new products include the new
- 360 Cassette AC
- 30 HP Super DVM
- 14 HP Side Discharge DVM Eco
- DVM Chiller
These innovations in HVAC engineering will transform air conditioning by boosting energy efficiency and performance, minimizing environmental footprint, and increasing cooling speed.
"Samsung will continue to achieve positive growth for the air solution business, by providing our customers with innovative products and solutions that will help them discover a world of possibilities for their businesses." "At Samsung, we're focused on helping businesses and our customers with cost effective and energy efficient products," said Mr. Vipin Agrawal, Director System A/C Business, Samsung India Electronics.
" At Samsung we are passionate about constantly evolving our technology to offer the best products, services and experience to our customers. The products that we are launching today will offer the best user experience possible. " he added.