Culture Magazine

Saint Vassily (2024) Short Movie Review

By Newguy

Saint Vassily – Short Movie Review

Discover the intriguing short movie Saint Vassily. Follow a young man on his path to priesthood and uncover the secrets of loyalty and concern.

Director: Masha Egieva

Writer: Masha Egieva (Screenplay)


Plot: USSR, 1982. Preparing for Orthodox priesthood, a self-righteous theological student’s integrity is tested by a KGB agent.

Runtime: 13 Minutes 

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Verdict on Saint Vassily

Saint Vassily follows a young man preparing for priesthood whose roommate has vanished. He has already started questioning his actions and a stranger appears to help in the search. However, the man has a connection to the KGB and could ruin his chance of passing his studies.

This short movie dives into the secrets of the priesthood. It takes us through loyalty and concern as Vassily wants to follow the stricter rules. However, it brings subjects to life that were once taboo and now could ruin people’s life. It shows the pressure piled on the young man whose hard work could be taken from him. This leans more on people trying to control others and making things come to life and stop people from seeing things they believe are sins. It uses religion to power the story and how people often think about their own beliefs not what is right.

Final Thoughts Saint Vassily uses strict religious beliefs to create a sinful mind.

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