Entertainment Magazine

Sailor & I Interview

Posted on the 27 February 2012 by The Otter Beats @theotterbeats
Stockholm Sweden 2012, a band emerges from the earth and their name is Sailor & I. With their first song release, Tough Love, the Swedish band has taken the blog world by storm. “The song is about two people that have lost control of their relationship. You want to love, but you can't. You try and you fail, over and over again. And suddenly your love has grown cold and the relationship gets dysfunctional.” The words cut as deep as real life experiences as the lyrics draw from inspirations about real life says Alexander, member of Sailor & I. You can feel the emotions tearing their way into the drumbeats as the strings echo the pain. This is the leading track off of their upcoming EP with no set release date. “The other songs on the EP all have the same vibe to them, but the tracks are still quite diverse. Some tracks have more drive and pop to them than Tough Love does, some are stripped down to just a string quartet and vocals.” I am very excited to hear the range of Sailor & I as they attempt to make their mark.

Sailor & I Interview

{Sailor & I}

“The Tough Love EP is in some ways a do-it-yourself-project," Explains Sailor & I "even though we recorded it in a professional studio with live strings. Everyone involved, like Erik Arvinder who arranged the strings and Johan Rude the sound engineering, was given a lot of responsibility to do their own thing. So instead of being just one guy playing with his laptop, Tough Love is the result of many people together playing with a full scale production and real live musicians.” If the band takes this much care and effort in future releases it will be, without a doubt, surreal. Being based in a primarily electronica environment changes your music, but Sailor & I hold true to their instruments and production savvy. “The pop scene in Stockholm is very much characterized by the do-it-yourself-attidude and the modern type of electronic dance music you can make quite easily on your laptop... The electronic music has taken the place of the old indie band, making the boundary between indie and commercial music blurry. Tough Love is in some ways a reaction to that because we really wanted it to sound like there were real people playing.” Brilliant statements and outlooks.
The band is actually a collective of many artists that have considered this gathering a pure essence of music. “ Everyone who is involved are all working on other projects on the side, so the idea behind the band was to form an arena where we could get together, have fun and make the music we like in an undemanding way. Sort of like a sacred haven of pop.” This is even more apparent as you check out the list of inspirations they listed, Frank Sinatra, Brian Wilson, Joy Division and Brian Eno. It spans a huge area and you can pick out each sound individually in their music. I have attached Tough Love and as always Happy Listening!
"It´s a metaphor for the ego and super-ego. Two wills confronting the id." - Sailor & I on their name
"Loads of greetings to all our new fans! Stay tuned, you're gonna love what's coming next." - Sailor & I

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