A cooperative effort to save a ground-dwelling bird has diverted it from possible extinction, federal officials declared Tuesday, as they sought to safeguard the habitat of a declining species while maintaining key pieces of the American West’s economy—oil and gas drilling and ranching.
The Obama administration said the greater sage grouse does not require Endangered Species Act protections, walking a fine line with its assertion that economic development and preservation can coexist across the bird’s 11-state range.
But critics from each side of the political spectrum quickly denounced the move, concentrating on new plans signed in conjunction with the decision that will guide the use of 67 million acres of public lands.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: phys.org
GR: Bit by bit we use and destroy wildlife habitat while wearing the mask of sustainability. This U. S. government decision leaves the birds in jeopardy. Even that is not enough for the human harvesters that want to use the land to make a profit.
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