Raising kids in this day and age is tough. With the invention of the internet we now have the whole wide world we have to protect our children from. Not just the local weirdos. It’s really uncharted territory. My parents didn’t have to worry about the same things when they raised us. So I can’t really ask them how they dealt with things. And younger and younger kids are getting on Facebook and doing things like Face Time. My 10 year old daughter’s best friend recently came over for a sleep over with all of her electronics which included her own cell phone AND Ipad. Okay, I’m a little jealous that a 10 year old has an Ipad and I do not. Needless to say my 10 year old wants all of this stuff too. Ahh, don’t we all.
While I don’t allow my children to do anything without me right there monitoring things and my 10 year old will have to wait until she’s 13 to get Facebook and much to her dismay she will not be getting Instagram or Face Time anytime in the near future. However, more and more things are requiring the internet. Their education is contingent on being able to use computers and often times they are given websites to practice things for school. And because my 10 year old does not have her own computer she also doesn’t have an email address.
So every time she has to sign up for something and she needs an email address she uses mine. Quite frankly I’m getting sick and tired of having all of those emails for her in my inbox to filter through. However, there has been little reason I can come up with to give her her own Yahoo mail account. Even though my 13 year old has an email I know she’s always getting spam in there. Thankfully she tells us about some of the bogus emails she gets and doesn’t act on anything, but it sure would be nice if we could monitor things more closely.
That’s where KidsEmail comes in. Here’s what they have to say about it:
KidsEmail.org is a safe email service for kids and families. Your kids can now have a safe email account while allowing parents to be aware of any correspondence their children send and receive. You supervise your children when they go outside to play. Do you know who is contacting your child inside of your home? Let us help you keep your kids safe online! Safe Email for Kids? We’ve got you covered! Get a Free 60 Day Trial Now! This is for US Family Guide users ONLY! @kidsemail Use promo code: US Family when registering.
Sounds pretty good to me. After the 60 day free trial it only costs $2.99 a month and that’s for all children in your family. And really can you put a price on the safety of your children?