Tuesday afternoon, Ava DuVernay took to Twitter to announce that singer Sade has created an original song for her upcoming Disney film, A Wrinkle In Time.
Just when we thought we couldn’t be more excited about this #GirlPower film, Ava DuVernay announced that she was able to get Sade to come out of retirement.
The Nigerian British singer, who hasn’t released music in 7 years, created an original song for the Disney film titled,” Flower of the Universe.”
I never thought she’d say yes, but asked anyway. She was kind + giving. A goddess. We began a journey together that I’ll never forget. Proud to announce that Sade has created an original song for WRINKLE IN TIME. It’s entitled “Flower of the Universe.” And it’s a dream come true.
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) February 20, 2018
Also on the soundtrack are Chloe x Halle, who perform “Warrior”, Demi Lovato new song “I Believe” with DJ Khaled, and Kehlani’s “Let Me Live.”
WRINKLE IN TIME was made w/ love for young people. To share ideas about being a light in this often dark world. The new song “Warrior” by the phenoms @chloexhalle often makes me cry – with joy for the future. They are wonderful young women who help me hope. Thank you, ladies!
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) February 20, 2018
“Sade. Demi Lovato + DJ Khaled. Sia. Chloe x Halle. Kehlani. All together with our dope composer Ramin Djawadi. You know that epic GAME OF THRONES theme song? Yep, that’s @Djawadi_Ramin doing his thing. Our soundtrack + film enter the universe March 9. xo,” Ava Tweeted.
A Wrinkle in Time just got a little more magical!