
Ryan Coogler and the political statement behind his highly anticipated Marvel Studios film, Black Panther.
Coogler shared with The Grio’s Jon Kelley how he embraced the political climate when creating the Marvel Studios film, specifically with the main character, T’Challa.
“T’Challa is a political person; he’s a politician,” Coogler said of the story’s central figure, who is portrayed by actor Chadwick Boseman. “That’s what he is. If you have to fill out a resume, and you have to ask ‘What is he?’, he’s not going to write ‘superhero’ on there. He’s going to write ‘politician.’”
L to R: Director Ryan Coogler and Chadwick Boseman (T’Challa/Black Panther) on set
Credit: Matt Kennedy/©Marvel Studios 2018
Coogler, who directed Fruitvale Station, and Creed, shared with Variety that he made a pilgrimage to Africa before he began shooting “Black Panther,” the first time he visited the continent.
“I have to go if I’m making this movie,” Coogler says. “I’m not qualified just because I look like this.”
Black Panther is on track to break records, with analysts projecting the movie will make anywhere from $120-$150 million opening weekend.