A Bilgrimage Biography
Ruth Elizabeth Krall, MSN, PhD
Note: Since 2015 my friend William D. Lindsey (Bill) has published my work on his blog Bilgrimage. At this time, the blog is inactive, so I have decided to pull together my various posts so that future researchers and academics can find them in one place. I have arranged this bibliography so that more recent entries follow earlier ones.Krall, R. E. (January 3, 2021). Persephone’s Journey into the Underworld: Lessons for Our Time.
Krall, R. E. (December 12, 2020). A Meditation: The Third Sunday in Advent.
Lindsey, William. (December 1, 2020). Ruth Krall’s Study Course: Black Lives Matter.
Krall, R. E. (March 2, 2020). Ruth Krall on the Coronovirus: "If We Fail to Adequately Care for Those Who Cannot Care for Themselves, the Door Will Open to Threaten Us All."
Krall, R. E. (February 5, 2020). A Sin or a Crime?
Krall, R. E. (January 13 and 15, 2020). Compassionate Peace Making: Bearing Witness: Speaking Truthfully. Part One and Part Two.
Krall, R. E. (January 4 and 8, 2020). Compassionate Peacemaking: Bearing Witness: Paying Attention. Part One and Part Two.
Krall, R. E. (December 18 and 21, 2019). Compassionate Peacemaking" Bearing Witness: The First Step in Reconciliation. Part One and Part Two.
Krall, R. E. (December 16, 2019). The Good Samaritan: Pious Parable or Subversive Instruction?
Krall, R.E. (August 22, 2019). A Brief Afterword to “Recapitulation: Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice."
Krall, R. E. (August 16, 2019). (Part Three): Affinity Sexual Violation in a Religious Voice: Moral Corruption in the Religious Commons.
Krall, R. E. (August 12, 2019). (Part Two): Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice: Moral Corruption in the Religious Commons.
Krall, R.E. (August 9, 2019). (Part One): Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice: Moral Corruption in the Religious Commons.
Note: Overall Title: Recapitulation: Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice
Krall, R.E. (August 4, 2019). Today’s Sermon: Today’s Idolatrous Slaughter of the Innocents.
Krall, R. E. (August 2, 2019). (Part Three): Historical Meanderings: Ideologies of Abuse and Exclusion.
Lindsey, William D. (July 29, 2019). A Note about the Timeliness of Ruth Krall’s “Historical Meandering: Ideologies of Abuse and Exclusion."
Krall, R. E. (July 29, 2019). (Part Two): Historical Meanderings: Ideologies of Abuse and Exclusion.
Krall, R. E. (July 24, 2019). (Part One): Historical Meanderings: Ideologies of Abuse.
Krall, R. E. (July 3 and 6, 2019). Looking Slant: Oppressive Ideologies and Belief Systems. Part One and Part Two.
Krall, R. E. (June 20, 2019). Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice: Religious Leader Sexual Abuse: What Language Shall We Use?
Krall, R. E. (June 13 and 16, 2019). Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice: Religious Leader Sexual Abuse: A Pan-Denominational Approach. Part One and Part Two.
Krall, R. E. (June 5 and 7, 2019). Prolegomena: An Act of Rethinking. Part One and Part Two.
Krall, R. E. (May 13, 2019). A Considered Response to a Canadian Catholic Educator’s Quarterly Review of the Covington Catholic Story.
Krall, R.E. (April 25 and 26, 2019). In a Roman Catholic Voice: Clergy and Religious Leader Abuse of the Laity: A Study Bibliography of Resources. Part One and Part Two.
Lindsey, William D. (August 21, 2018). Ruth Krall’s Risking the Collective on the Space We Make for Violence Against Women and Children, and the Metaphor Systems Legitimating It.
Lindsey, William D. (August 20, 2018). Ruth Krall’s Risking the Collective: On the Space We Make for Violence Against Women and the Metaphor Systems.
Krall, R. E. (January 7, 2018). Early Morning Reveries: Institutional Abuse Magnifies the Criminality of the Original Abuse.
Lindsey, William D. (August 2, 2017). Ruth Krall’s Important Book Living on the Edge of the Edge. Paradox of Violent Exclusion of LBGTQ People from Christian Communities That Cover Up Sexual Violence by Clergy.
Krall, R. E. (April 26, 2018): Reflections vis-à-vis Today’s Snap. "Onus is on the Newly Configured Snap Board to Move Into Transparency with All of Its Members."
Lindsey, William: (August 2, 2017). Ruth Krall’s Important Book, “Living on the Edge of the Edge: “A Paradox of Violent Exclusion of LBGT People from Christian Communities that Cover Up Sexual Violence by Clergy.
Lindsey, William D. (May 2, 2016): Ruth Krall's Inanna’s Way: A Personal Journey Into the Underworld: A Book Recommendation.
Krehbiel, S. (March 11, 2016). Stephanie Krehbiel on Ruth Krall’s Importance in Understanding the Yoder Story: Without Her Work of Decades, I Don’t Know Want to Imagine Where We Would Be.
Krall, R.E. (March 6, 2016). A Considered Response to Lambeth and Hamilton: Vis-à-vis the Topic of Being Made Invisible ….One More Time.
Krall, R. E. (November 30, 2015). A Thomas Doyle Cyber Anthology: Studies in Religious Community Sexual Violence.
Krall, Ruth E. (November 21, 2015). Home, Exile, and the Teeth of the Shark.
Krall, Ruth E. (August 16, 2015 ). How to Smell a Rape-prone Campus.
Krall, R.E. (August 6, 2015). Sexual Activism in a Mennonite Voice: A Presentation to the 2015 SNAP Conference.
Lindsey, William. (August 6, 2015). Critically Important to Analyzing the Duggar Story: Stephanie Krehbiel and Ruth Krall Discussing Issues of Sexual Violence (and cover-up) in Churches.
Krall, Ruth E. (June 13, 2015). The Just World Fallacy and Sexual Violence Against Women and Small Children: "She Should Not Have Been in That Parking Lot at 11:30 at Night.
Krall, R.E.(December 9, 2014). Ruth Krall on Sexual Violence against Women and Reform of Religious Institutions.
Lindsey, William (November 29, 2014). Ruth Krall on Ferguson and the Task of Re-Humanizing Ourselves and Our Culture.
Lindsey, William D. (October 25, 2014). Recommended: Ruth Krall’s Religious Leader Sexual Abuse and Clericalism: A Resources Bibliography, History, Context Analysis.