I love fresh mozzarella, absolutely love it, maybe more than bacon even, and that’s saying a lot. When it comes to making a sandwich it is almost always my base. Like bacon, or avocado it goes with just about anything.
Lately I have been on, what I guess you can call, a rustic kick. Nothing too crazy, give me some fresh Italian or a crusty bread, some cheese, a few toppings, maybe a smoked meat or two, or 10, and I would be a happy fellow. The toppings don’t have to be anything too complex or fancy: say some sun-dried tomatoes, sliced onion, roasted or fried / roasted peppers (sweet for me), touch of salt, some olive oil, maybe a dash of Balsamic or Malt, and I’m in heaven.

![Rustic Sandwiches & a drink….. & maybe bacon? [sandwich.JPG]](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/111/1114295/rustic-sandwiches-a-drink-maybe-bacon-L-4ERyUG.jpeg)

I do have to try wrapping it up in paper, tying it with twine and let the flavors mingle. Once I have the time to make one the night before and bring it to work, I will be doing this for sure. Or even better, for home at least: dig out the old Panini press and toast it up!
If we are playing up the rustic lunch thing, or it’s dinner, why not add a glass of red wine, or a Saison, unless anyone has other suggestions for refreshments? After that, there is nothing left to do but sit down and watch the sunset.