You think I'm kidding? Here's Mad Vlad going full Hillary Clinton (and her followers) blaming everyone and everything except himself for the mess in Ukraine:
I guess the upshot is that like Hillary Clinton, Mad Vlad, is not going away soon: no matter how much people might want him to.
Also, I guess he believed his own BS. Here is an old Russian warmongering video on how quickly they can conquer Europe and the world with their army. As comment said: "There was one problem: on the way happened to be the Sumy territorial defence." I'm going to toss in Ukrainian farmers. Seriously, the Russians hit far more resistance then they expected.
One thing that is getting scary is that the Right likes Putain. The theory is that he is a strongman who appeals to their sense of authoritarianism. The result is that we hear a lot of people on the right parroting Russian bullshit. I'm not going to give those people any more publicity than they all ready have by being whackjobs.Of course, parroting Russian bullshit isn't solely a quality of the right, but fewer people are doing it on the left. But the lefties doing it are really disappointing. I guess that is a by-product of having crappy media: people are getting their news and opinion from comedians. And just about everybody else.
There are a lot of reasons that a large military gets defeated by a smaller one which is another post. But a quick summary from a tweet from the New Voice of Ukraine:
"Russia is losing in Ukraine. Bad tactics, crap equipment, and inexperienced troops suffering low morale fighting in a country which they're quickly realizing is not theirs is a recipe for military disaster."
There is a longer story that goes to the tweet:
As I said, Mad Vlad is blaming everybody and everything except himself for his failures. He's literally blaming the Russian people for this mess!
And people in the US think this guy could subvert their elections! He can't really run his own country, let alone mess up another one: unless he does it by sending his military.