Languages Magazine

Russian Terms in Recipes to Learn Language Deliciously

By Tlb
Flag from russian language countries

Image via Wikipedia

To learn language can either be an enjoyable opportunity for learners or an additional burden to bear, depending on how a learner views learning languages. It will actually turn out to become a burden if the learner sees language learning pessimistically. However, if the learner is optimistic with this approach, they will really get to enjoy the learning, no matter how difficult it may be.

There are various ways learners can transform a tedious learning into an enjoyable opportunity to learn new things. As for Russian language, it can be enjoyed by diverting your learning into aspects like taking its Russian terms about cooking. Even languages schools don’t include these. So much with Japanese, Italian, or even French dishes; Russian also has its terms that can be used to make Russian language learning more enjoyable. It will even give you a glimpse of the taste of Russian foods. It will not only provide you with simple and useful terms for learning, it will also open your appetite to try these delicacies and get a mouth-watering experience.

So, here are some of the Russian cooking terms. Enjoy and have a delicious way of learning Russian!

English translation

Russian terms

dry and wet aged beef говядина сухого и влажного созревания

beef strips with mushrooms Вырезка говяжья с грибами

24 Wheat Biscuits пшеничные брикеты /на завтрак/

Apollo Spiral Pie спиральный пирог \”Аполлон\”

“grande” to-go cup большая чашка кофе \”на вынос\”

Bar marked fillet stake поджаренный на гриле

basil-red wine reduction соус из [уваренного] красноговина с базиликом

Blue Cheese Crusted New York Strip Steak Бифштекс “Нью-Йорк”, из нежной говядины с добавлением голубого сыра, с хрустящей корочкой

bone cuts замороженная свинин&

breakfast-dinner завтрак и ужин (полупансион)

butter cookie сливочное печенье

Butterscotch ирис(ка)

consistent gourmet coffee drinks (разные виды) кофе неизменно высокого качества

contact grill электрический гриль (домашний гриль)

Creme Brulee Torch горелка (факел) для приготовления крем-брюле

Crispy-pastry parcel хрустящие конвертики из слоеного теста

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